Apex Reaches Scavenger Hunt has officially begun!
Over $100 worth of prizes!
1st Place receives a $50 Amazon gift card
2nd Place receives a $25 Amazon gift card
3rd Place a gift to Cravings
4th & 5th place receive a sweet surprise!
1st-5th place will all receive local goodies as well!
Rules. You have until 8pm on Wednesday night to complete as many of the items as possible on the list below! Once you have completed your tasks, you will need to tally up your points and email the total (as well as a list of completed activities) to cale@crossviewrapids by 8:30pm on Wednesday night to be considered for the prizes. This scavenger hunt can be completed individually or as teams. It'll be up to you to determine how to split the prize money/ rewards.
Remember, the goal of this "scavenger hunt" is to reach our community through acts of "Christ-like" love and kindness (not just to win prizes). The prizes are just an added element of fun to the event! Families are encouraged to participate together but teams of small groups of friends are fine as well. (Teams have to include at least ONE crossview student.)
quick and easy link access to all of our partnering organizations here: https://www.crossviewrapids.org/apexreaches
Now go! Love your neighbors! And have fun doing it!
PS. there are TWO lists below. Click the right arrow to see the second list.